Bhekinkosi Moyo 

Southern Africa Trust (South Africa)

Bhekinkosi Moyo is head of the Southern Africa Trust, chair of the Africa Philanthropy Network (APN), and sits on the board of ISTR – the International Society for Third-Sector Research. He was also instrumental in setting up the African Grantmakers Network (now the African Philanthropy Network) and, more recently, a Chair in African Philanthropy at the Wits Business School (WBS) in South Africa. Formerly he worked at TrustAfrica, where he helped to develop the only pan-African philanthropy portfolio at an African philanthropy institution. In his many roles and in a continent where philanthropy has long been a marginalised topic, where very little infrastructure existed to support its development and there was little understanding of its role, Bhekinkosi Moyo has consistently promoted African philanthropy locally and globally and has led and supported efforts on both the practical and theoretical aspects of it. Follow him on Twitter at @bheki_moyo.
